Home Tag Restore liver function

Articles in Restore liver function

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What is Mezathin s?
Mezathin S is a medicinal product of Ha Tay Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company that is often used to treat acute and chronic liver diseases. So what should you pay attention to when using Mezathin S?
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Uses of Hetopartate 3g
The drug Hetopartat 3g has the main active ingredient is L-Ornithin-L-Aspartat 3g and other excipients in sufficient quantities. This is a medicine to treat diseases and complications caused by the liver's impaired detoxification function. The drug is also used in the treatment of hyperammonemia in acute and chronic liver diseases, helping the liver work better.
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Uses of Gantavimin
Gantavimin medicine has the main ingredients are natural herbs that work to treat diseases of the liver and biliary tract. In addition, the drug also has antiseptic, detoxifying, antiseptic, and biliary benefits. To ensure effective use, patients need to take the medicine exactly as directed.
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Uses of Cadimarin
Cadimarin is a prescription drug, used to treat disorders of the digestive organs, specifically the liver. So what is Cadimarin and how does it work? In order to ensure the effectiveness of treatment, patients need to have a clearer view of the use and use of this drug.
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Uses of Soravir
Soravir is used in combination with other medicines to treat chronic hepatitis C in adults. Soravir has the main ingredient Sofosbuvir. Let's find out more details about the uses, usage and notes of Soravir drug line through the article below.
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Treatment of decompensated cirrhosis: What you need to know
Decompensated cirrhosis, or end-stage cirrhosis, can develop into cancer and leave many dangerous complications, directly threatening the patient's life. Although treatment of decompensated cirrhosis cannot completely restore liver function, it can limit damage and prevent complications of the disease.
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