Home Tag replace artificial heart valves

Articles in replace artificial heart valves

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Benefits and risks of heart valve replacement surgery
Heart valve replacement is the optimal measure in cases of severe damage to the heart valves, in order to reduce symptoms, prevent the progression of heart failure and reduce the risk of early death for the patient. Patients may face some complications after heart valve replacement surgery, however, these are completely manageable.
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When is mitral valve replacement surgery needed?
Heart valves play an important role in helping to push blood through the circulatory system. However, due to a number of causes, the heart valves can be damaged, mild or severe degeneration, requiring surgery to replace the heart valve. Let's find out when to need surgery for mitral regurgitation, mitral stenosis through the article below.
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What should not eat after heart valve replacement?
Repair or replacement of an artificial heart valve is a major surgery and to achieve the best results, it should be combined with proper nutrition and post-operative care. Eating healthy will help prevent other heart problems and help the body increase resistance and adapt to new heart valves. So patients after heart valve replacement should not eat, what foods should be avoided?
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics