Home Tag Radiation oncology

Articles in Radiation oncology

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PSA test after prostatectomy: Why is it necessary?
Prostate surgery is a common method of cancer treatment. After surgery, the patient will be tested for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) to check for signs of cancer recurrence. So why is a PSA test necessary after a prostatectomy?
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Stage 4: Invasive or metastatic breast cancer
Stage 4 breast cancer is considered late-stage breast cancer because the cancer cells have spread to other organs of the body, such as the bones, brain, liver, and lungs. The treatment of patients with advanced breast cancer is quite difficult and the prognosis depends on the individual patient case.
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Treatment options for brain cancer
The goals of brain cancer treatment are to completely remove the tumor, slow its growth, or relieve symptoms by shrinking the tumor and reducing swelling. Your choice of treatment will depend on many factors as well as the choice of the patient.
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Common symptoms warning brain tumor
Some of the symptoms of a brain tumor are the same as those of other medical conditions. Diagnosis of brain tumor requires a combination of physical examination and laboratory tests. The following article will mention some of the common symptoms that are common in the case of brain tumors.
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Is thyroid cancer curable?
Thyroid cancer is quite common compared to other cancers and is more common in women than men. When hearing about cancer, most people are very worried about their medical condition. However, according to research, thyroid cancer grows quite slowly, has a good prognosis, and the disease has a higher cure rate if detected early.
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Characteristics of each stage of cervical cancer
Cervical cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women. The disease often has a rather complicated course, if not detected and treated in time, cancer can spread to other parts of the body, making treatment extremely difficult.
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Risk factors for brain and spinal cord tumors
A risk factor is anything that increases a person's chance of developing a brain tumor or spinal cord tumor. Different types of cancer have different risk factors. Some risk factors you can change like smoking. Some risk factors you can't change include age or family history.
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Understanding the stages and types of breast cancer
Breast cancer is the most common and leading cause of death in women. In particular, staging is a very important prognostic factor in breast cancer treatment. To be able to accurately assess the stage, doctors need to do a physical examination and use a variety of imaging tests to survey the structure and extent of invasion of the tumor.
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A history of cancer: How people know, understand and the development of methods of diagnosis and treatment
What is cancer? Cancer occurs when cells in that part of the body begin to grow out of control. Cancer has been around since time immemorial and has appeared throughout human history. Along with advances in many fields, scientists have achieved many achievements in cancer screening, diagnosis and treatment today.
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Small cell, large cell cancer: What does this mean?
Small cell cancer, large cell cancer or some other terms are often used to describe the symptoms, characteristics, and type of cancer that a patient has. So what do the terms used for cancer mean?
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Treatment of stage 4 . breast cancer
Stage 4 breast cancer has spread outside the breast and nearby lymph nodes to other parts of the body. When breast cancer metastasizes, it usually affects mainly organs such as the bones, liver and lungs, and sometimes the brain. Treatment for stage 4 breast cancer is mainly aimed at slowing tumor growth and increasing survival.
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