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Articles in Prostate

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Normal prostate size
The prostate is an important part of men. As age increases, the prostate also increases in size, causing prostate enlargement. So what is the normal prostate size, when is prostate enlargement?
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How is prostate calcification formed and is it dangerous?
Prostate calcification is a common condition in middle-aged men and can be associated with certain diseases of the prostate. Most cases of prostate calcification are asymptomatic and not dangerous for the patient.
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Prostatic calcification is a condition with a relatively high prevalence among middle-aged men. If not promptly diagnosed and treated, the disease can progress and lead to complications such as prostatitis, urinary obstruction, and other issues, significantly impacting the patient's quality of life and sexual health.
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What is a prostate cyst?
Prostate cysts are a fairly common disease in men. According to statistics from the Ministry of Health, up to 50% of men aged 60-70 suffer from this disease. Most cases of benign prostate cysts are not dangerous.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics