Home Tag Primary lung cancer

Articles in Primary lung cancer

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Endoscopic-assisted thoracic surgery
Phẫu thuật lồng ngực có nội soi hỗ trợ là phương pháp mà bác sĩ có thể quan sát được bên trong lồng ngực và phổi. Đây là kỹ thuật được áp dụng để thực hiện nhiều phương thức phẫu thuật khác nhau liên quan đến phẫu thuật lồng ngực.
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Stages of lung cancer are classified by the TNM . system
The stage of the cancer tells you the size and whether it has spread. Knowing the stage, type, and grade of the cancer can help doctors plan the right treatment for the patient.
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2 main classifications of primary lung cancer
Lung cancer refers to the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the tissues of the lungs. Cancer can be found in the air ducts (bronchi) or in the spongy lung tissue (alveoli). Lung tumors can also be caused by cancer that has spread from other parts of the body, but they are not considered lung cancer.
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Why is lung cancer screening necessary?
Lung cancer is the leading malignancy, the disease has a high mortality rate if detected late. According to Globocan in 2018, the number of new cases of lung cancer in the world was 2.094 million, including 1.8 million deaths. In Vietnam, the number of new cases is 23,667 with 20,710 deaths. Up to 70% of lung cancer patients in Vietnam are diagnosed at a late stage, with difficult treatment and short survival time. Therefore, lung cancer screening plays a very important role in helping to reduce treatment costs, prolong survival and reduce the mortality rate of the disease.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics