Home Tag Primary biliary cirrhosis

Articles in Primary biliary cirrhosis

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Can flu medicine be used during hepatitis B treatment?
Hello doctor, I am currently taking medicine to treat hepatitis B, but during the treatment I got a cold and flu. So, doctor, can I take cold medicine?
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What kind of drug completely cures hepatitis B?
I am currently suffering from hepatitis B, at the beginning of 2018 I was examined and tested for no hepatitis B virus, at the beginning of 2019 I was tested for hepatitis B virus infection and I also tested for viral quantification with the following results: Concentration virus detection level in patients (iu/ml serum): 16,110,000 iu/ml, Threshold virus detection concentration (iu/mml serum) 50 iu/ml on 11/3/2019. Due to the nature of my work, I have to work far away without timely and focused treatment. Now, I would like to ask my doctor which medicine should I buy to completely treat hepatitis B like concentrated treatment to get medication every month at the hospital. Ask your doctor for a prescription that can be purchased from a pharmacy and how much to use for the best results (do not use supplements). Thank you!
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Autoimmune hepatitis: What you need to know
Hepatitis is a general term for inflammation of the liver. There are many different types and causes of hepatitis (eg, viruses and certain medications), including autoimmune hepatitis. In autoimmune hepatitis, the body's immune system attacks the liver cells, causing inflammation of the liver.
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Primary biliary cirrhosis: Causes, mechanism of formation
Xơ gan mật tiên phát là một bệnh tự miễn, đặc trưng bởi tình trạng cơ thể tự chống lại các tế bào của mình. Bệnh tiến triển chậm nhưng có thể gây ra những biến chứng đe dọa tới tính mạng của bệnh nhân.
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Primary biliary cirrhosis: Diagnosis and treatment
Xơ gan mật tiên phát là bệnh mạn tính của gan, đặc trưng bởi tình trạng phá hủy tự miễn của ống mật trong gan và tình trạng ứ mật. Chẩn đoán và điều trị xơ gan mật tiên phát từ sớm giúp làm chậm sự tiến triển của bệnh.
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