Home Tag Pregnancy rhinitis

Articles in Pregnancy rhinitis

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Should you use nasal drops for pregnant women?
During pregnancy, many pregnant women suffer from stuffy nose, runny nose, itchy nose, sneezing, persistent symptoms, which are easy to recur, especially at night, causing poor sleep, causing stress, affecting health health of mother and baby. At this time, pregnant women with stuffy nose often worry about what to do to get rid of the disease and be safe for the development of the fetus. Let's learn to know and understand which nasal drops for pregnant women are safe and effective.
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Mother sneezing a lot affects the fetus?
"Hắt xì hơi nhiều có ảnh hưởng tới thai nhi không" thì bạn hãy yên tâm rằng tình trạng này không gây hại cho mẹ và bé. Tuy nhiên, việc có bầu hắt xì đau bụng dưới kéo dài trong thời gian mang thai có thể là dấu hiệu cảnh báo một tình trạng sức khỏe nào đó.
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