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Articles in Pregnancy nutrition

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Should you eat pineapple during pregnancy?
Pregnant women often face challenges in making safe food choices to ensure the health and well-being of both themselves and their baby. Eating pineapple during pregnancy has always been a controversial topic because many people fear that this fruit might pose risks to the fetus. So, should pregnant women eat pineapple?
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Should you eat mushrooms during pregnancy?
Many people wonder if it’s safe to eat mushrooms during pregnancy. The good news is that most edible mushrooms are nutritious and perfectly safe for moms-to-be!
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Can Pregnant Women Drink Coconut Water?
Can pregnant women drink coconut water is a question of many pregnant mothers, because this is a drink that provides a lot of nutrients that are good for the health of the mother and the development of the fetus. However, to ensure safety, mothers should consider supplementing with appropriate doses along with a complete and healthy diet.
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