Home Tag Pregnancy after 40 years old

Articles in Pregnancy after 40 years old

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Age and fertility: Getting pregnant in your 40s
Having children after 40 is becoming more common. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 30 percent of women between the ages of 40 and 44 will be infertile. Your chances of conceiving in any given month decrease as you pass the 40-year mark. A 40-year-old has only a 5 percent chance of getting pregnant each month. This means that even for those who do get pregnant, it can take longer. While women are often advised that it’s best to have children before 35, the data suggests otherwise. There are many reasons why women wait to have children, including fertility treatments, care, and settling into a more settled life. If you’re curious about what fertility looks like at 40, consider the full range of benefits, risks, and what you need to know. In this article, we’ll provide helpful information to help you figure it all out.
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