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Articles in Postpartum hemorrhoids

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Postpartum hemorrhoids should eat like? Is surgery necessary?
Hello doctor! My condition is that the hemorrhoids prolapse, and when I press them, they retract. I gave birth to my second baby 15 days ago. For the past three days, I have had a hard time going to the toilet, bleeding and burning hemorrhoids when walking, it is very painful to touch even though I drink water and eat vegetable soup a lot.
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Is the pus-filled bump with fragile, painful defecation after childbirth dangerous?
Hi doctor! Dear doctor, I gave birth normally 1 month ago. In the days after giving birth, when having a painful bowel movement, it was difficult to pass, I knew it was normal.
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Is bleeding and pain in the bowels associated with colitis or colon cancer and is it colonoscopy?
Hi doctor! Recently, I often have abdominal pain, bloody stools in the stool. I went to the doctor and the results were internal hemorrhoids, colon cancer screening tests were normal. Please ask the doctor, if I have blood in the stool and pain, is it colitis or colon cancer and does it have to be colonoscopy? Do I need a colonoscopy? I'm only 6 months old and I'm constipated a lot. The doctor only concluded that he had hemorrhoids and irritable bowel syndrome. Please give me your opinion, thank you doctor!
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Grade 4 hemorrhoids in women 3 weeks after giving birth should surgery?
The doctor told me to ask if you should have surgery for grade 4 hemorrhoids in women 3 weeks after giving birth? Or is there any medicine for indented hemorrhoids, doctor?
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How to treat postpartum hemorrhoids?
I just had a baby 8 months ago. Recently, I have a phenomenon of hemorrhoids, painful defecation, blood in the stool, when using a blood-stained tissue. Recently, I have more painful bowel movements, sometimes anal itching. So the doctor asked me how to treat postpartum hemorrhoids?
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What should women do with hemorrhoids one day after giving birth?
I just got hemorrhoids 1 day after giving birth. The doctor asked me what should a woman with hemorrhoids do one day after giving birth? I hope to get an answer from you, thank you doctor.
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Blood in the stool with clots in the anus after giving birth, is it hemorrhoids?
I just gave birth 3 months ago. And I was constipated and had bleeding for a while. About 3 weeks ago I saw no more bleeding but still pain and today I found a lump in the anus. When it finished going to the toilet, it retracted on its own. May I ask if the blood in the stool with anal clot after giving birth is hemorrhoids? So is it possible to apply medicine or self-treat at home? Thank you very much.
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Can grade 4 hemorrhoids after giving birth have surgery?
I just had a baby, but I have grade 4 hemorrhoids. Can I ask the doctor for grade 4 hemorrhoids after giving birth? Thanks for the advice doctor.
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Is postpartum constipation serious and how to relieve it?
Táo bón là tình trạng phổ biến sau sinh. Nhiều người vừa sinh con thấy rằng táo bón sau sinh là điều đương nhiên trong quá trình hồi phục. Tuy nhiên, táo bón gây ra cảm giác không thoải mái, đặc biệt là khi cơ thể bạn vẫn đang cố gắng hồi phục sau quá trình chuyển dạ và sinh nở. Vậy táo bón sau sinh có nguy hiểm không và táo bón sau sinh kéo dài bao lâu?
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