Home Tag Place a pacemaker

Articles in Place a pacemaker

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I have a pacemaker, should I donate blood?
The doctor asked me if I am having a pacemaker, should I donate blood? Please advise me, thank you.
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I put on a pacemaker but my heart rate drops, what to do?
I have a pacemaker for more than 4 years and have checked it every 6 months, the doctor said the battery has 12 years left, but why now suddenly my heart rate drops to 41, making me dizzy, then I take a deep breath to get the rhythm The heart rate stabilized as at 60 beats/min. In 1 hour I got it about 3 times. Is this situation caused by the machine or what, doctor? So the doctor asked me to put on a pacemaker but my heart rate decreased, what should I do? Thank you doctor.
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How to treat ventricular septal defect at 68 years old?
The doctor told me how to treat ventricular septal defect when I was 68 years old? Is there any risk? Thank you doctor.
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How to treat bradycardia with tricuspid regurgitation?
I have bradycardia 40 beats/1 minute and grade 2/4 tricuspid regurgitation. Doctor tell me how to treat bradycardia with tricuspid valve regurgitation? Is there any other method besides surgery? Thank you doctor.
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Treatments for bradycardia?
My father has bradycardia 52 beats/min. So the doctor asked me how to treat bradycardia? The doctor advises my father on a suitable diet
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics