Home Tag Phone addiction

Articles in Phone addiction

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How long should it be safe for children to use electronic devices?
Children 18 months and older can use electronic devices to watch a show or play a game designed for children. But for babies under 18 months, using electronic devices does not seem to bring any real benefits, and it can even cause some health and developmental problems. In addition to considering how your child uses electronic devices, you also need to pay attention to how much time your child spends using electronic devices during the day.
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Are you addicted to your phone?
Smartphones are an almost indispensable item in modern life today. However, the constant bombardment of information as well as spending too much time on the phone can lead to addiction symptoms and greatly affect your mental health.
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How to change your phone usage habits
Although it brings many benefits to work and study, using the phone for too long and incorrectly will cause some effects on human health. Therefore, learning about how to use the phone properly is very necessary.
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