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Articles in Pericarditis

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Rheumatic heart disease in children: Actively aware
Rheumatic heart disease in children mainly occurs in children between the ages of 5-15 years. The disease can be dangerous if not diagnosed and treated promptly. Proactive prevention of rheumatic heart disease will help best protect the health of children.
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Empyema in children: What you need to know
Pericarditis is defined as inflammation of the pericardium, which is usually self-limited and benign. However, empyema in children is a serious condition and has a high mortality rate. Therefore, the goal is to detect this disease early and take active measures to control the infection, avoiding its spread and endangering the child's life.
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Purulent pericarditis dangerous?
Before antibiotics were widely used, pericarditis was a common complication of pneumococcal pneumonia. Currently, most cases of purulent pericarditis are caused by a medical care-related blood infection such as during dialysis, thoracic surgery, or an immunosuppressive condition such as HIV infection, chemotherapy. Regardless of the cause, early antibiotic treatment with percutaneous empyema or pericardectomy is necessary to rapidly control the foci of infection.
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Detailed instructions on how to treat rheumatic heart disease by the Ministry of Health
Rheumatic heart disease is a dangerous type of heart disease that causes many complications or more severe can lead to death for the patient. However, if the disease is detected and treated early and properly, it can be avoided or cured.
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Emergency cardiac tamponade
Acute cardiac tamponade is an acute condition in which the heart is compressed due to the accumulation of fluid (or blood, pus) in the pericardial cavity, causing hemodynamic consequences ranging from mild cardiovascular collapse to severe cardiogenic shock and death. death if not treated promptly.
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Diagnostic criteria for rheumatic heart disease
Rheumatic heart disease can lead to complications of heart valve stenosis, heart valve regurgitation or even death if not detected and treated promptly. Early diagnosis of rheumatic heart disease, according to the given criteria, is the solution to minimize the risk of dangerous complications of the disease.
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Pericardial aspiration
Pericardial aspiration is used in patients with pericardial effusion, which affects heart function. This technique will help aspirate pericardial fluid so that the heart can resume functioning, avoiding continued accumulation of fluid in the pericardial capsule.
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Pericarditis is common in which leaves?
Hi doctor! Doctor, tell me which leaf is common pericarditis? Seek medical advice. Thank you.
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Is pericardial effusion dangerous?
Pericardial fluid is a fluid located between the two layers of the pericardium, the parietal and visceral leaves. Fluid has a lubricating function and helps the heart work more smoothly and easily. When the amount of fluid is abnormally high or invaded by bacteria, it will cause diseases and syndromes such as pericardial effusion, acute pericarditis, etc.
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Why do you have chest pain when taking a deep breath?
Chest pain when taking a deep breath is a warning sign of many serious health problems. The cause of chest pain when taking a deep breath can come from chest wall disease caused by costal cartilage inflammation or trauma, cardiovascular disease, embolism or infection of the lungs - pleura... When there are symptoms of pain When taking a deep breath in the chest, the patient needs to go to the doctor for timely detection and treatment.
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The causative agent of acute myocarditis
Myocarditis is an acute or chronic inflammatory disease of the heart, with the potential to cause myocardial necrosis. Acute myocarditis rarely occurs alone, but is often accompanied by inflammation of the endocardium and pericardium.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics