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Articles in Pericardial effusion

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Children with pericardial effusion are dangerous?
Hello doctor, my baby has pericardial fluid, is there a big abnormality? The solution is surgery or medicine or what?
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Cardiac tamponade: What you need to know
Cardiac tamponade is a serious disorder that prevents the ventricles from dilating, resulting in the inability of the heart to pump blood to the body's organs. This condition, if not diagnosed and treated promptly, can lead to heart failure or even death.
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Pericardial effusion: Causes and differential signs
Pericardial effusion occurs when pericardial fluid is blocked or when there is blood in the pericardial cavity and can lead to pericarditis. If you experience persistent chest pain, difficult or painful breathing, or if you have unexplained syncope with symptoms of a pericardial effusion, you should seek medical attention. determine a timely and effective treatment regimen.
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Cardiac tamponade: Causes, symptoms and treatment
Acute cardiac tamponade is a dangerous condition with a high risk of death if not detected and treated promptly. When the heart is compressed, it impedes the activities of the heart, thereby leading to the organs in the body not being supplied with enough blood, leading to multi-organ failure.
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Current standard echocardiography procedure
Echocardiography is known to be one of the commonly used techniques to diagnose cardiovascular diseases. However, what is an echocardiogram? The current standard echocardiography procedure is not well understood by everyone.
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Emergency pericardial effusion
Acute pericardial effusion is a rare disease, the frequency of which is only about 0.1% of the total number of hospitalized patients and about 5% of the total number of patients admitted to the emergency room because of chest pain. However, this is a very dangerous disease, so timely emergency pericardial effusion will help patients have a better prognosis.
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Structure and function of the pericardium
The pericardium is a protective sac that contains a small amount of lubricant, which limits the movement of the heart in the ribcage and protects the heart from mechanical injury or infection from nearby areas.
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The heart has a pericardial effusion about 16mm, is it okay?
Hi doctor! I went for an echocardiogram and found a pericardial effusion about 16mm. So please ask the doctor, I have a heart with pericardial effusion about 16mm, is it okay? I don't have difficulty breathing, I only feel a sharp pain on the left shoulder blade. Looking forward to your advice, thank you doctor!
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Treatment protocol and management of acute cardiac tamponade
Acute tamponade is a condition in which fluid or blood accumulates in the pericardium causing pressure on the heart, limiting its function. This is an acute case of multiple etiologies, requiring emergency management to release cardiac tamponade.
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What is monoventricular heart disease?
Univentricular heart disease is one of the most common heart defects. On average, 1 out of every 100,000 babies is born with this disability. Babies born with a single-ventricular heart defect are unlikely to develop fully. Let's find out what monoventricular heart disease is and how to treat this disability through the article below.
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Ultrasound diagnosis of pericardial effusion
Pericardial effusion has many different degrees, with a large amount of pericardial fluid will cause cardiac tamponade. Cardiac tamponade is a medical emergency that requires early diagnosis and treatment to ensure circulatory function. Echocardiography is an imaging method that allows accurate diagnosis of pericardial effusion and especially cases of cardiac tamponade.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics