Home Tag Parasitic infection

Articles in Parasitic infection

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What is Phacodolin?
Phacodolin is an antibiotic, which is available in the form of an infusion or a tablet for oral administration. The drug is used in cases of anaerobic bacterial infections or to prevent infections for some high-risk subjects.
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Uses of Tyrothricin
Tyrothricin is commonly used to treat bacterial, parasitic, fungal, or viral infections. Depending on the patient's age and infection status, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate form of Tyrothricin.
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Uses of Metronidazole Kabi
Metronidazol kabi is an antibiotic used to treat infections. The drug works by preventing the growth of bacteria. So, how much should Metronidazole 500 mg be used?
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Uses of Stroseca
Stroseca is a medicine that contains the main active ingredient Ivermectin with the effect of supporting the destruction of harmful worms in the body. So how should this drug be used for good health?
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Uses of the drug Clatexyl 500 mg
Clatexyl 500 mg is an antibiotic containing Amoxicillin used in the treatment of bacterial infections. Currently, on the market there are many antibiotics containing this ingredient. Let's learn more about Clatexyl 500 mg drug uses, dosage, and effective usage right here.
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Uses of Imedoxim 100 and 200
Thuốc Imedoxim là thuốc điều trị ký sinh trùng gây viêm cho cơ thể. Thuốc có 2 dạng bào chế là Imedoxim 200 và Imedoxim 100. Việc tìm hiểu thông tin về thành phần và công dụng giúp người bệnh sử dụng thuốc hiệu quả, tránh được các tác dụng phụ không mong muốn.
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Pain in the right abdomen below the navel persists, what is the cause?
I have abdominal pain, every 3 weeks to 1 and a half months, I have pain, usually at night from 11 pm to 1 am, accompanied by mild fever and nausea, pressing on the left side of my abdomen It doesn't hurt, but pressing on the right side hurts, usually below the navel. Each time the pain usually lasts for a long time 2-3 hours, each time I try to go to sleep so that when I wake up, there will be no more pain. Doctors tell me what disease I have?
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Is liver damage from parasitic infections dangerous?
I went for an ultrasound and accidentally discovered a damaged liver, suspected of parasites. I took an MRI of the liver, thought it was a parasitic infection, and diagnosed a cholangiocarcinoma (little thought). So the doctor asked me if liver damage due to parasitic infection is dangerous
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Symptoms after taking the dewormer
In order to prevent helminthic diseases as well as for the body to digest and absorb nutrients well, we are all recommended to deworm periodically every year by taking deworming pills. So what are the common symptoms when taking deworming pills?
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Worms parasitic infection
Bệnh nhiễm ký sinh trùng giun chỉ bạch huyết hay bệnh phù chân voi ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng đến sức khỏe ở nhiều quốc gia nhiệt đới. Bệnh ngày nay hiếm gặp tuy nhiên đây là căn bệnh gây đau đớn và biến dạng nặng chân thường khó chẩn đoán ở giai đoạn sớm.
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Learn about Toxoplasma infection
Bệnh Toxoplasmosis là một bệnh bị gây ra do nhiễm ký sinh trùng Toxoplasma gondii, một trong những loại ký sinh trùng phổ biến nhất trên thế giới. Nhiễm trùng Toxoplasma thường xảy ra do ăn thịt bị nhiễm độc chưa nấu chín, tiếp xúc với phân mèo bị nhiễm bệnh hoặc lây truyền từ mẹ sang con trong thời kỳ mang thai.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics