Home Tag Parasite treatment

Articles in Parasite treatment

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Uses of Ficyc cream
Ficyc cream is used to treat parasites, antivirals, antifungals, and infections. The drug is usually indicated in specific cases such as: infections of the skin and mucous membranes caused by viruses, primary and recurrent herpes infections of the genital organs, ....
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Uses of Buclapoxime Tablets
In the group of anti-parasitic, anti-infective, anti-viral, anti-fungal drugs, Buclapoxime tablets are used to treat what diseases and to whom should the drug be used? The following article will share important information about Buclapoxime tablets.
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Uses of Pilavos
Pilavos is known to be a drug capable of treating worm larvae moving into the internal organs, especially roundworm larvae, extremely effective. The following content will share detailed information about the uses of Pilavos medicine.
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Uses of Aurocefa
Aurocefa is a 3rd generation cephalosporin antibiotic, belonging to the group of antifungal, antiviral, anti-infective, anti-parasitic drugs with a broad antibacterial spectrum. The drug has the main ingredient is Cefotaxime and the effect of this active ingredient is to inhibit the synthesis of bacterial cell walls.
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