Home Tag Panic disorder

Articles in Panic disorder

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Uses of Efexor Xr 37.5mg
Efexor XR with the main ingredient Venlafaxin is used to treat depressive disorders, limit spontaneous depression and social anxiety disorders. So, what precautions should be taken when using Efexor Xr?
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Uses of the drug Venfamed tab
Venfamed tab is an oral tablet that supports the treatment of depression. The drug has the main ingredient Venlafaxin (in the form of Venlafaxin HCl) 37.5mg. So what does Venfamed tab do? The following article will help you better understand the benefits of this drug.
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What is a panic attack?
Panic attack chỉ những cơn hoảng loạn khiến bạn tự nhiên run rẩy, khó thở, tim đập nhanh hoặc thậm chí có những suy nghĩ tiêu cực. Vậy panic attack là gì mà nó có thể ảnh hưởng tới cả thể chất và tinh thần như vậy?
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