Home Tag Pancreatitis

Articles in Pancreatitis

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Uses of Alburx
Alburx drug is a solution for intravenous infusion, containing plasma protein albumin, which helps to restore blood volume for people with shock, burns, pancreatitis,... During the use of Alburz, patients need to follow the instructions. Follow the treatment regimen prescribed by your doctor to ensure safety and avoid serious reactions.
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Vitamin D deficiency in patients with gastrointestinal disorders: Current knowledge and practical considerations
There is a high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in patients with various disorders of the digestive system, including cystic fibrosis, acute and chronic pancreatitis, celiac disease, short bowel syndrome, and inflammatory bowel disease. In this article, we discuss different causes of vitamin D deficiency and different strategies to normalize vitamin D status in patients.
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Is smoking dangerous for people with pancreatitis?
I have a family member who smoked for 30 years who had quit many times and couldn't. After quitting 3 times, I had abdominal pain and went to the doctor to diagnose pancreatitis. When smoking again, the symptoms are gone, so it is not possible to quit. The doctor asked me if it is dangerous for people with pancreatitis to smoke and how to treat pancreatitis
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Why does acute pancreatitis cause pleural effusion?
Viêm tụy cấp là bệnh lý cấp tính của tuyến tụy, bệnh có thể thay đổi từ viêm tụy phù nề cho tới viêm tụy xuất huyết và hoại tử. Đây là bệnh lý cấp cứu bụng thường gặp, Nếu không được điều trị kịp thời có thể gây ra các biến chứng nguy hiểm như tràn dịch màng phổi.
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