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Articles in Pain during sex

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What is dull lower abdominal pain in women?
health conditions related to the digestive system, urinary tract, or reproductive organs. The intensity and nature of the pain may vary depending on the underlying cause, starting from the lower abdomen (hypogastric region) and potentially radiating to other areas like the hips and back.
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What is postmenstrual syndrome?
Postmenstrual syndrome is still a new term in the medical community. The name derives from a group of psychological and physical symptoms that occur after menstruation.
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Why does lower abdominal pain occur after having sex?
Lower abdominal pain often occurs after sexual intercourse. The pain may range from sharp and sudden to brief or dull and lingering. Regardless of its intensity, this discomfort can affect sexual pleasure and the quality of intercourse. Moreover, it may serve as a warning sign of certain serious medical conditions.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics