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Articles in Orthopedic

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Loss of feeling of need to defecate after cervical spinal cord injury should do?
6 months ago, I had an accident, so my 5th and 6th cervical spinal cord was contusion, so it affected walking and hygiene, now it's better. However, since the accident until now, I have not been able to defecate and I have no symptoms of needing to defecate, every time I have to have someone to help me, so it is very inconvenient. I hope the doctor will tell you what to do when you lose the feeling of feeling sad to defecate after a cervical spinal cord injury? Thank you.
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Calcium deficiency - the leading cause of osteoporosis and musculoskeletal diseases
Adequate calcium intake is essential to maintain healthy bone mineral density in older adults. Calcium deficiency is a risk factor for osteoporosis and fractures. Calcium supplements are often recommended for people with inadequate dietary calcium intake or osteoporosis to prevent loss of bone strength.
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Instructions on how to safely supplement calcium, prevent early musculoskeletal disease
significant proportion of people worldwide do not meet the recommended daily calcium intake, according to epidemiological studies. Therefore, calcium supplements are often recommended for people with inadequate dietary calcium intake. However, inadequate calcium supplementation can increase the risk of cardiovascular and renal diseases, and is even associated with mortality.
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How to deal with facial fractures
Maxillofacial fractures are often the result of traffic accidents. Long-term consequences due to improper treatment not only affect the patient's aesthetics but also have a profound impact on the function of the body's digestive system.
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Methods of treatment of facial fractures
The jawbone has a special structure that creates the shape of each different face. According to statistics, the rate of fractures of the jawbone accounts for about 5% of all fractures in the body. Fractures of the jawbone cause severe facial deformities. When treating, it is necessary to combine aesthetic adjustments to restore balance to the patient's face.
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Rehabilitation for people with cervical spinal cord injury
Cervical spinal cord rehabilitation is an important treatment for patients with cervical spinal cord injury because cervical spinal cord injury often causes quadriplegia, most patients are young people of working age.
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Can a spinal cord injury be cured?
Spinal cord injury treatment is a matter of primary concern. Currently, there is no treatment that can help patients fully recover from spinal cord injuries, but many of us have the right to hope as more and more research is being conducted and bringing positive results related to drugs and surgical options.
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Rehabilitation after spinal cord injury
Spinal cord injury rehabilitation is considered an essential part of the treatment of patients with spinal cord injury. Spinal cord rehabilitation should be viewed in its true light for the benefits it brings to patients.
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Risk of paralysis due to cervical spinal cord contusion after accidents, trauma
Spinal cord contusion is a serious injury, most often caused by trauma. Cervical spinal cord contusion means damage to the cervical spinal cord, the uppermost segment of the entire human spinal cord.
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Gymnastics and sports: Information for beginners
Playing sports or going to the gym can improve your physical and mental health, reduce the risk of chronic disease and keep you in shape. If you want to exercise but don’t know where to start, you can refer to the effective ways to exercise below.
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Rehabilitation of maxillofacial function
Maxillofacial trauma is trauma that damages the organs of the maxillofacial region. Injuries and fractures of the maxillofacial region account for about 5% of all fractures in the body caused by impact. This rate tends to increase in the current period, especially in Vietnam. Treatment of maxillofacial trauma must meet two requirements: restoring the aesthetic anatomical shape of the face and restoring maxillofacial function.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics