Home Tag Oral Candida

Articles in Oral Candida

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What does Nystatin do?
Nystatin is used to treat Candida infections of the skin and mucous membranes such as thrush, skin lesions, intestinal tract, esophagus or vagina. The drug is taken orally, vaginally, or applied topically.
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Uses of Taleva
Taleva medicine has the main ingredient Itraconazole, usually indicated in the treatment of fungal infections. However, before using, patients need to read the instructions carefully to get the best results.
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Thrush in people with head and neck cancer
Thrush is an infection of the oral cavity caused by the fungus Candida albicans. The disease is usually limited to infants, patients taking antibiotics or steroids, polyendocrine disorders, or underlying immune dysfunction. So what is thrush in people with head and neck cancer? The following article will help you better understand this situation?
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics