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Articles in Ointment

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Note the side effects of topical ointments containing corticosteroids
Topical ointments containing corticosteroids are indicated for the treatment of conditions such as inflammatory skin diseases, skin proliferative disorders, skin infiltrative disorders and many other conditions. However, the use of this drug can leave some side effects when not used correctly. So patients should pay attention to the side effects of topical ointments containing corticosteroids like?
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Antibiotic ointment applied to the skin: Do not arbitrarily
Antibiotics have many active ingredients, belonging to many different groups. Antibiotics are prepared in many forms such as powder for injection, solution for injection, tablets, capsules... However, in fact, not all antibiotics have the form of ointment for skin application. So what are the precautions when using antibiotic ointment?
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Mechanism of action of topical drugs
The skin is the largest organ of the human body, with an average size of 1.7 square meters in an adult. Using a large portion of the skin as a route of absorption of topical drugs to deliver drugs into the body is not a new concept. In fact, this approach still maintains a lot of advantages, and advances in modern science offer more and more potential benefits over traditional routes of administration.
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What is drug absorption?
The process of drug absorption plays a very important role, directly affecting the therapeutic effect of the drug. There are many different routes of drug absorption, whereby each route of drug absorption has its own advantages and disadvantages.
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Vusion drug: Uses, indications and notes when using
Vusion is an azole antifungal medication that helps prevent fungal growth. Vusion is effective in the treatment of rashes in children, diaper rash caused by yeast infections or improper diaper area hygiene.
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How is Daivonex ointment used to treat psoriasis?
Daivonex ointment is a psoriasis medication that is prescribed by doctors for the topical treatment of mild psoriasis and plaque psoriasis. To get the best results, patients need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor or pharmacist.
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What is Oracortia used for?
Oracortia is an ointment, commonly used to treat a number of conditions in the mouth. So what is Oracortia and how does it work?
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Uses of Beprosalic
Beprosalic drug is a topical ointment for dermatological problems such as dermatitis, hyperkeratosis... relatively familiar and common. More specifically, this article will help readers understand what beprosalic is as well as how to use this ointment to overcome common skin symptoms.
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Uses of the drug Protopic
Protopic 0.1% is a product of Astellas Pharma Tech Co. Ltd. Toyama Technology Center (Japan). The drug has the main active ingredient is Tacrolimus monohydrate, which is indicated in the treatment of atopic eczema.
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Uses of Repaherb
Repaherb is used to treat the symptoms and complications of hemorrhoids. Repaherb is available in two formulations, an ointment and a rectal suppository.
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What does Gentrisone contain and is it safe for pregnant women?
Gentrisone can be used for pregnant women is the question of many women who are experiencing skin problems. However, before taking Gentrisone, pregnant women should consult their doctors. Absolutely not used arbitrarily to minimize the risk of harm to the development of the fetus.
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