Home Tag Non-small cell lung cancer

Articles in Non-small cell lung cancer

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Uses of Anzatax
Anzatax is used to treat metastatic ovarian cancer when conventional therapies with anthracycline and platinum have failed or are contraindicated.
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Uses of Citafine 1g
Currently on the market there are many drugs to treat cancer, Citafine 1g drug belongs to the group of cancer drugs. Let's find out more clearly how Citafine 1g works, how to use it, in what cases, ... Knowing this information is also a way to use the drug safely.
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Uses of Taxel-CSC 80ml/2ml
Taxel-CSC 80ml/2ml belongs to the group of anti-cancer drugs and acts on the immune system, with the main ingredient docetaxel. It is commonly indicated for the treatment of locally advanced or metastatic cancers of the breast, lung, head and neck, prostate, stomach, ovary, and cervix.
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Uses of Assogem
Assogem is a chemotherapy drug used alone or in combination with other drugs to treat certain types of cancer, including breast, lung, ovarian, and pancreatic cancers. To use the drug correctly, it is always important and necessary to learn the relevant information.
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Brigatinib side effects
Brigatinib, also known by its common name Alunbrig, is a drug commonly used in the treatment of cancer. Besides the effective effects that the drug brings, it also causes unwanted reactions.
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