Home Tag Nervine

Articles in Nervine

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Do psychoactive tonics cause dependence?
Nervous breakdown occurs when the patient works in environments with too much pressure. This disease has a great impact on the patient not only physically but also mentally changing the patient. Many of these people often use nerve tonics to improve their condition. However, improper use of the drug can cause negative health effects.
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What disease does Hornol treat?
The drug Hornol is a drug belonging to the group of psychotropic drugs and psychotropic tonics. So what is Hornol and how is it used?
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The effect of the drug Vinpocetin 5mg
Vinpocetin 5mg is commonly used to treat vestibular disorders. This is a prescription drug, patients absolutely should not buy drugs to treat at home because there may be unwanted side effects.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics