Home Tag nasal septum

Articles in nasal septum

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Deviated nasal septum: When to operate?
Whether the deviated nasal septum needs surgery depends on the severity of the disease in each case. Nasal septum surgery is indicated when it is necessary to correct, cut, trim part or all of the nasal septum.
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Effective method of treating the crest of the nasal septum
Hello doctor! I often have sore throat, stuffy nose, difficulty breathing. The doctor diagnosed the nasal septum crest. The doctor asked me which method of treatment for my condition can be used to treat the crest of the nasal septum? Thank you doctor for helping me!
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Deviated nasal septum: Causes, symptoms and treatment
Khoảng 80 % trong số chúng ta mắc phải tình trạng vẹo vách ngăn mũi mà không hay biết. Tuy nhiên, vẹo vách ngăn mũi thông thường không ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe, nhưng nếu tình trạng vẹo nghiêm trọng hơn có thể dẫn đến những biến chứng sức khỏe đặc biệt nghiêm trọng.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics