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Articles in Myopia

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Farsightedness: When to have surgery?
Statistical studies show that the incidence of refractive errors is increasing rapidly in Vietnam. In particular, farsightedness is a common visual problem. Farsightedness is not only found in adults but also in children, so the need for eye surgery to treat farsightedness is also increasing. So can farsightedness be operated on and when should it be operated on?
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Effects of amblyopia
Amblyopia (lazy eye) leads to impaired vision. If not treated early, the eye's ability to function can be impaired, greatly affecting the quality of life, work, study, and even leading to blindness.
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Can children have laser myopia surgery?
Nowadays, the rate of children with myopia is increasing, leading to an increasing demand for myopia surgery. However, can children have myopia surgery with laser?
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What is the difference between amblyopia and amblyopia?
In addition to common refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness or presbyopia, children can also experience other vision problems such as strabismus and amblyopia. So how are strabismus and amblyopia different?
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Signs that your baby may have a vision problem
Every child can have vision problems and if left untreated can lead to blindness. Early detection and timely treatment can help children have almost completely normal vision, helping them learn and develop best. So how to recognize vision problems in children early.
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Learn about central retinal vein occlusion
Central retinal vein occlusion is a common disease caused by blood vessel disorders in the retina, which can cause vision loss and even blindness if not detected and treated promptly and properly.
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Learn about central chorioretinopathy
Central retinopathy is one of 10 diseases in the posterior segment that cause mild to moderate vision loss. This is a disease related to damage to the retinal pigment epithelium causing fluid accumulation in the center of the retina and the cause of the disease is still unknown.
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Occlusion of the central retinal artery
Central retinal artery occlusion is considered an ophthalmological emergency and needs to be treated as soon as possible to avoid irreversible blindness. The disease often appears without warning symptoms, so the level of danger increases.
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Should I wear glasses often if I am nearsighted?
Wearing glasses for people with myopia is an optimal and low-cost solution to help patients improve their vision. People with myopia tend to see objects clearly near them but have difficulty seeing objects far away. So should people with myopia wear glasses all the time or only when looking far away?
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False myopia/temporary myopia: How to recognize?
Working a lot with computers or after a long exam period, many people feel their eyesight is much worse, but when they try on glasses, they see clearly and brightly. This could be a sign of pseudo-myopia or temporary myopia.
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Common vision problems
Decreased vision mainly occurs when the eye has refractive errors, diseases or injuries. If not treated promptly, it can cause blurred vision or even blindness, greatly affecting learning and daily life.
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