Home Tag Metronidazole

Articles in Metronidazole

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The effect of the drug Gerdogyl
Gerdogyl is a specialized antibiotic used to treat acute or chronic, recurrent oral infections such as tooth abscesses, inflammation, periodontitis, gingivitis, peri-jawbone cellulitis, periodontitis, and periodontitis. stomatitis, submandibular inflammation, parotid gland inflammation...
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Types of drug content Rodogyl
Rodogyl is a combination of two antibiotics, spiramycin and metronidazole, commonly used in the treatment and prevention of oral infections. Because this is a combination of 2 ingredients, it is easy for patients to confuse the content. The following article will provide readers with information about Rodogyl drug concentrations, dosage and some notes when using Rodogyl.
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Uses of Klion 250mg
Klion 250mg medicine contains the active ingredient metronidazole, an antibiotic of the nitroimidazole group. The drug is indicated in the treatment of infections caused by amoebae, Giardia and anaerobic bacteria.
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Uses of the drug Tarvizone
Tarvizone is a prescription antibiotic. Let's find out more about what is Tarvizone? How to use it, how much to do and safety warnings, ... through the article below.
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Uses of the drug Flametro
Flametro drug has the main active ingredient Metronidazole and other excipients in a sufficient amount. This is an antibiotic of the Nitro-5 family Imidazole has the effect of treating parasites, anti-infectives, anti-viruses and antifungals.
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Uses of Novamet
Thuốc Novamet là thuốc thuộc nhóm thuốc kháng khuẩn thuộc họ nitro-5 imidazole. Thuốc có tác dụng tuyệt vời trong việc phòng ngừa và điều trị các bệnh nhiễm khuẩn có liên quan đến vi khuẩn kỵ khí và nhiễm amip ở người.
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