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How is cirrhosis of the liver in people with chronic hepatitis B treated?
I have been infected with hepatitis B for a long time, recently had jaundice, and went to the doctor with the conclusion: elastography and cirrhosis of the liver. I have pain in the joints, fatigue, cough, CT-scan, the doctor concluded that the portal vein is 16mm in diameter. I want to ask the doctor how to treat cirrhosis in people with chronic hepatitis B? Thank you doctor!
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What does the Hepatitis B Anti HBsAb 159 IU/ml test result mean?
6 months ago, I was exposed to the blood of a person with hepatitis B. I just got tested, the result was negative and Anti HBsAb reached the threshold of 159 IU/ml but I still see palms, eyes, and water. Ginseng yellow urine. In particular, yellow palms appear more in the afternoon and early morning. Doctor let me ask, what does Anti HBsAb test result 159 IU/ml mean?
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Is the dull pain in the lower abdomen after a bowel movement due to prolonged constipation?
I have been constipated for more than 10 years, usually every Saturday, Sunday, I feel like going to the toilet. About the last 3-4 months, I have a dull pain in my lower abdomen after having a bowel movement, although I am not constipated because I take Qee Tree and eat grapefruit regularly. Also, I have endometriosis. Doctor let me ask, is the dull pain in the lower abdomen after going to the toilet due to prolonged constipation?
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Do grade 2 hemorrhoids cause constipation?
I am a secondary school student. After colonoscopy, I was diagnosed with grade 2 hemorrhoids, normal rectum. After the examination, he returned home to take medicine, eat and play badminton every day. However, she is easily constipated. The doctor asked me, does grade 2 hemorrhoids cause constipation?
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Are jaundice, loss of appetite, weight loss symptoms of liver disease?
Doctor let me ask, are jaundice, loss of appetite, weight loss symptoms of liver disease?
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What should people with gallstones avoid?
I have painful gallstones, size 24mm. The doctor asked me, what should people with gallstones eat?
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Vomiting after eating is a sign of what disease?
For the past few months, I have had pain in the middle of my chest at night. Sometimes the water in the stomach refluxed up, causing me to choke and cough. In addition, I do not eat enough, every time I eat, I vomit a lot of saliva, sometimes even review food. Because of the epidemic, I couldn't go to the hospital. The doctor asked me, what is the sign of vomiting after eating?
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Signs of insulin resistance
Đề kháng insulin là khi các tế bào trong cơ bắp, mỡ và gan của bạn không còn khả năng phản ứng tốt với insulin và giảm sử dụng glucose từ máu để chuyển hóa thành năng lượng. Để duy trì tình trạng cân bằng, tuyến tụy cần tạo ra nhiều insulin hơn trong khi theo thời gian
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Chest tightness, shortness of breath lasting more than a year, what to do?
Ask Hello doctor! Let me ask: "What should I do if I have chest tightness and shortness of breath for more than a year?".
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Endocrine system and diabetes
Hệ thống nội tiết tố bao gồm nhiều tuyến khác nhau, tiết ra các hormone quyết định cách thức mà các tế bào và cơ quan hoạt động. Tiểu đường là một bệnh rối loạn chuyển hóa mãn tính, có liên quan mật thiết đến hệ nội tiết. Bài viết này sẽ giúp bạn hiểu hơn về hệ nội tiết cũng như mối liên quan của nó với bệnh tiểu đường.
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Ovaries overview
The ovaries play an important role in maintaining reproductive health in women. It secretes 2 main hormones, estrogen and progesterone. Diseases related to the ovaries include ovarian cysts, ovarian cancer, menstrual cycle disorders and polycystic ovary syndrome.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics