Home Tag Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain

Articles in Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain

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Uses of Magnevist
Magnevist has the main active ingredient Dimeglumine Gadopentetate, used in magnetic resonance imaging of the skull, spinal cord or whole body. So what are the uses, usage and precautions when using Magnevist?
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Watch out for severe, sudden, dangerous headaches
Headache is a common problem for many people, however, many people think it is not dangerous because it can be a symptom of weather changes, or due to stressful work, family conflicts, stress... also causes headaches, so they buy medicine to take themselves.
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Why do you have tinnitus headache?
Headache and tinnitus are signs that the body is suffering from a disease. Moreover, it also causes the patient to feel anxious, uncomfortable and think a lot, which can easily lead to insomnia, physical weakness and weight loss.
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Does a persistent headache require a brain magnetic resonance imaging?
All cases of persistent headaches require brain MRI to determine the cause, from which the clinician can provide appropriate treatment for the patient.
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How long does a brain MRI scan take?
The process of brain MRI will vary depending on each specific case, however, usually the time for brain MRI will take about 20-25 minutes for common diseases.
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How does magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) affect the body?
Magnetic resonance imaging is a modern diagnostic imaging method that provides much higher accuracy than other methods, so many people wonder if magnetic resonance imaging has any effect on the body or not?
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Subarachnoid hemorrhage Part 2: Clinical manifestations and diagnosis
Non-traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is a type of hemorrhagic stroke that is usually caused by the rupture of a saccular (berry-shaped) aneurysm and accounts for approximately 3% of all strokes.
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What does magnetic resonance imaging of the brain show?
To assess and detect brain lesions, brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a modern, optimal, non-invasive diagnostic imaging method. Through images obtained from brain MRI, doctors will quickly diagnose and accurately detect abnormalities here, especially brain tumors, infections, cerebral vascular malformations...
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Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain (spect rography)
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRC) is a technique that uses magnetic fields and RF waves to determine the concentration of metabolites in living tissues. Accordingly, brain MRI often uses metabolites containing P, Na, K, C, N, F to evaluate the concentration of metabolites to obtain a spectrum with peaks corresponding to the concentration of substances in the surveyed area.
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What do you know about autoimmune encephalitis?
Autoimmune encephalitis is characterized by brain lesions caused by errors in the autoimmune system. The lesions are generally complex, causing severe neuropsychiatric deficits. Accordingly, this diagnosis needs to be recognized as early as possible, and proper treatment will improve the prognosis for patients in the hospital as well as limit future sequelae.
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What cases need magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain?
Brain MRI is an advanced imaging technique that provides detailed and clear images of abnormalities of the skull, especially brain tumors, and is commonly used in the diagnosis of neurological diseases. This is what imaging methods can accurately diagnose many diseases that many devices could not diagnose before.
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