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Articles in Low blood pressure index

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How to measure blood pressure correctly in children
In some diseases in children, especially infants, blood pressure monitoring is very important during treatment. However, there are many methods of measuring blood pressure for children as well as many different types of blood pressure monitors, so it is necessary to have specific information to choose the most accurate way to measure blood pressure for children.
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Low blood pressure after surgery
Any surgery carries risks during and after surgery. Low blood pressure after surgery is a problem many people face. So what causes this condition and how effective is the management of low blood pressure after surgery?
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When is the best time to measure blood pressure? When should not be measured?
"When to measure blood pressure?" This is a question that many people are interested in today. In fact, to get an accurate blood pressure measurement, it should be measured in the morning, before getting out of bed and should be done at the same time of day. In addition, when suffering from headache, dizziness, the patient should also conduct a proper blood pressure measurement to know if the real cause is related to blood pressure or not.
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How to measure blood pressure according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health
Cao huyết áp là căn bệnh có thể dẫn tới nhiều biến chứng nguy hiểm như đau tim, đột quỵ, suy tim, suy thận,... Bệnh nhân có thể phát hiện cao huyết áp nếu được đo huyết áp đúng cách. Sau đây là quy trình đo huyết áp chuẩn ban hành kèm theo Quyết định số 3192/QĐ-BYT ngày 31 tháng 8 năm 2010 của Bộ trưởng Bộ Y tế.
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