Home Tag Liver tissue elastography

Articles in Liver tissue elastography

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Distinguish between compensated cirrhosis and decompensated cirrhosis
Cirrhosis is a common disease in our country, the causes are quite diverse, but mostly due to alcohol and complications of viral hepatitis. Cirrhosis goes through stages: compensated cirrhosis and decompensated cirrhosis.
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Evaluation of liver fibrosis (Fibrosis) by modern ultrasound elastography technique of liver tissue
Evaluation of liver fibrosis by modern elastographic technique of liver tissue is gradually being widely used, giving patients the opportunity to screen for cirrhosis earlier and have timely treatment, improve treatment efficiency. treat.
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Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Currently, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common cause of elevated liver enzymes. The best way to prevent and treat the disease is to know the progression and early symptoms of the disease.
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Measurement of fatty liver level after ultrasound assessment of liver fibrosis (Fibrosis)
The liver is a very important part of the body, at high risk of being damaged due to objective and subjective causes. Among the common diseases of the liver, fatty liver is a common disease, which can occur at any age.
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Indications for FibroScan measure the elasticity and fatness of the liver
FibroScan is a new ultrasound technique used to evaluate the elasticity and fatness of the liver. FibroScan can be quite widely indicated in all chronic liver diseases such as diabetes, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, fatty liver, cholestatic liver,...
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The results of measuring the stiffness of the liver after ultrasound of liver tissue elasticity (Fibrosis)
The FibroScan ultrasound method is an ultrasound method that can assess the stiffness of the liver and the degree of liver fat without causing pain or discomfort to the patient and with high accuracy.
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Take a history of liver disease during a general physical examination
Taking a history of liver disease during a general physical examination is an important component, especially in middle-aged or at-risk subjects. The doctor will actively visit even if the patient has absolutely no symptoms. Only when doing so, the general health examination will bring the highest meaning.
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What is compensated cirrhosis and decompensated cirrhosis?
Compensated cirrhosis and decompensated cirrhosis are two clinical manifestations of cirrhosis. Compensated cirrhosis is also known as the early stage of cirrhosis, and decompensated cirrhosis is the advanced stage of cirrhosis. At each stage, the patient will have different signs and symptoms.
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Quantitative HBV-DNA PCR test - how high is the hepatitis B virus load in the blood?
Hi doctor! I have been infected with hepatitis B for more than 10 years, my current health condition is normal. HBV DNA test index 4,607,251,381= 4.6x9log10. The doctor asked me for a quantitative HBV-DNA PCR test - how high is the amount of hepatitis B virus in the blood? Thank you!
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Assessment of cirrhosis caused by hepatitis C by advanced tissue elastography
Hepatitis C is a chronic disease, it slowly degrades the human body and leaves many dangerous complications on the patient's body, including cirrhosis, liver cancer. .
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How to determine cirrhosis of the liver?
Since cirrhosis is a consequence of chronic liver damage, accurate assessment of cirrhosis is important in clinical practice.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics