Home Tag Less defecation

Articles in Less defecation

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What are the signs of disease in people treated for pancreatic cancer?
I haven't felt the need to have a bowel movement for over a week now. I drink a lot of water, eat less rice and food, but eat a lot of vegetables. I have pancreatic cancer and am taking painkillers every day. So the doctor told me to ask people who treat pancreatic K less bowel movements, what are the signs of disease?
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Is it okay to have less bowel movements with gastric distension after eating molasses leaves?
Two days ago, I ate a lot of honey leaves, 2 hours ago, I rarely went to the toilet. Normally, I go very regularly (1-2 times a day). Now, I have a feeling of fullness in my stomach (in addition, there are no symptoms), I go to sleep with a feeling of being pinched, and it is difficult to breathe. So the doctor asked me to ask if I have less bowel movements with stomach distension after eating the leaves of honeysuckle, is it okay?
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