Home Tag Laryngeal surgery

Articles in Laryngeal surgery

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Partial laryngectomy
Phẫu thuật cắt thanh quản bán phần được chỉ định cho bệnh nhân ung thư thanh quản giai đoạn sớm giúp bảo tồn được một phần chức năng nói và ít gây ảnh hưởng đến chức năng nuốt. Vậy cần chuẩn bị gì trước khi phẫu thuật? Sau phẫu thuật bệnh nhân cần lưu ý những gì để sức khỏe có thể nhanh hồi phục?
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Life after laryngectomy
For many people with laryngeal or nasopharyngeal cancer, ending treatment with laryngeal surgery can be both stressful and exhausting. Some people who remain after surgery to remove a laryngeal tumor may still have regular treatment to control the cancer. So what will life be like after laryngectomy? Read on to learn how to live with cancer and after vocal cord surgery.
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Laryngeal cancer: Partial or total resection?
Laryngeal cancer is more common in people over 60 years of age and is more common in men than women. Surgery is one of the main treatments in laryngeal cancer. Your doctor may recommend removal of part or all of your larynx depending on the location, size of the tumor, and the severity of the disease.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics