Home Tag Laparoscopic appendectomy

Articles in Laparoscopic appendectomy

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After 11 days of laparoscopic surgery, acute appendicitis still has a lot of fluid, what to do?
Hi doctor. The doctor asked me, what should I do after 11 days of laparoscopic surgery for acute appendicitis? The doctor at the hospital did not give antibiotics anymore, only gave them medicine. Seek medical advice.
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Should I eat green bean porridge for 3 days and apply what kind of nutrition?
Hi Doctor! I want to ask, should I eat green bean porridge for 3 days, and how should I apply nutrition? Thank you.
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Pain in left incision after laparoscopic appendectomy?
Hi doctor! May I ask if the left incision pain after laparoscopic appendectomy can be done? Ask your doctor for advice and answers. Thank you sincerely!
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Laparoscopic appendectomy 3 weeks but the wound outside heals but still hurts inside?
Hi doctor! I had laparoscopic appendectomy 3 weeks ago. On the outside of the wound has completely healed, but on the inside, the wound is painful (I have a 12kg baby).
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7 days after laparoscopic appendectomy should drink soft drinks and ice?
Hi doctor! I want to ask the doctor, after laparoscopic appendectomy 7 days should drink soft drinks and ice? Thank you doctor for the advice.
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Is there any medicine to help with appendicitis?
Hi doctor! Previously, I had appendectomy with balloon surgery, now my incision is quite painful. Doctor, can you tell me, is there any medicine to help the appendix surgery to relieve pain? I've had appendicectomy 6 years ago, before laparoscopic surgery but got an infection, so I had 3 times surgery with balloon surgery! Please advise doctor, thank you doctor!
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Is abdominal pain after 1 month of appendectomy dangerous?
I operated on appendix for more than 1 month, but I still have pain in the navel, the wound on the skin has healed. The doctor asked me, is abdominal pain after 1 month of appendectomy dangerous?
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Diarrhea appeared 2 days after appendectomy, what should I do?
Dear doctor, I just had laparoscopic appendectomy 2 days ago, I had diarrhea with black liquid stools, up to 15 times a day. The doctor asked me, what should I do and how to eat properly? Thank you doctor.
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Laparoscopic incision of appendix with fleshy protrusion what to do?
The doctor asked me what to do with the laparoscopic appendectomy
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Black blood after laparoscopic appendectomy is okay?
I am 19 years old this year, after laparoscopic appendectomy for 6 days, I passed black blood mixed with feces like boiled blood. The doctor asked me if I had black blood after laparoscopic appendectomy? Thank you doctor.
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Principles of finding the entry site in laparoscopic surgery
Trocar được đặt ở vị trí thích hợp là một bước quan trọng trong phẫu thuật nội soi. Nó giúp cho việc tiếp cận tạng đích theo hướng hợp lý, đồng thời làm giảm cản trở giữa kinh soi và dụng cụ. Thêm vào đó, nó còn tối ưu hoá thao tác của phẫu thuật viên, giảm thời gian phẫu thuật, tăng độ an toàn và tỷ lệ thành công của ca mổ.
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