Home Tag Lack of oxygen

Articles in Lack of oxygen

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First aid, preventive measures when children have heat stroke in cars
Leaving a child alone in a closed car can lead to heat stroke in the car, or even death from suffocation. When the child's body temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius, vital organs will stop functioning, and when the body temperature reaches 42 degrees Celsius, it leads to heat stroke, which is highly fatal.
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What is oxygen therapy?
Currently, oxygen therapy is widely used in the treatment of respiratory failure. Depending on the cause of hypoxia, the doctor will prescribe oxygen therapy to suit the patient's condition.
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Lack - excess of Oxygen (O2) and Carbon dioxide (CO2)
O2 and CO2 play an important role in maintaining life. Excess - lack of oxygen and carbon dioxide appear when there is respiratory arrest, in cases of chronic respiratory failure, lack of O2 is less evident, CO2 retention is typical with acidosis.
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How long can a person hold breath?
Healthy people can hold their breath for 3 to 5 minutes. However, this duration can increase with regular practice, such as divers or professional athletes.
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The process of breathing oxygen through the frame of glasses
Oxygen therapy using spectacles is often performed for patients who need oxygen. The purpose of this technique is to provide a high oxygen content of inhaled air for the patient to breathe easily, meeting the body's metabolic needs.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics