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Articles in Kidney cyst

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Differentiate between polycystic kidney and cystic kidney
Renal cysts and polycystic kidneys are both common kidney diseases. Cysts of polycystic kidney disease are different from renal cysts and other normal cysts that form in the kidney later in life.
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Complications of polycystic kidney
Polycystic kidney disease is a common and relatively dangerous hereditary cystic kidney disease, potentially leading to kidney failure, kidney cancer, but so far there is no specific treatment for polycystic kidney disease.
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55mm polycystic kidney with 9mm stone, big left liver cyst, what's wrong?
Hello doctor, I would like to ask if the doctor has a 55mm polycystic kidney with 9mm stones, is there a big left liver cyst? How to treat kidney cysts? Please consult your doctor for treatment. Thanks for the advice doctor.
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Secondary renal cysts
Kidney cyst disease occurs when one of the kidney units is blocked, causing urine to stagnate, unable to drain out. Secondary renal cysts are usually quite simple, round, well-demarcated with soft walls. They may appear as solitary or multiple cysts.
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Common complications of polycystic kidney
Polycystic kidney is a type of kidney damage, due to the appearance of fluid-filled cysts in the kidney parenchyma. These cysts are benign in nature but they cause damage to the kidneys.
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Hereditary cystic kidney disease in children
Nephronophthisis is an enlargement of the kidneys, sometimes with progression to renal failure. It also causes cysts to form in the renal medulla or corticomedullary border, eventually leading to end-stage renal disease.
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Renal angiography diagnoses many complex diseases
Renal angiography, also known as renal arteriography, uses X-rays to image the blood vessels of the kidneys while injecting contrast material into the blood vessels of the kidneys. This technique is used to detect signs of blockage or narrowing of the renal arteries or abnormalities that affect the ability to supply blood to the kidneys. So what are the specific kidney diseases?
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Endoscopic retroperitoneal resection of the renal cyst tip
Up to 95% of renal cysts are benign, usually unilateral. A small number of about 5-10% of renal cysts can develop into cancer with the image of the cyst having an irregular, thick, calcified wall, with internal sound resistance. Most patients with renal cysts have no symptoms, usually detected by ultrasound. Occasionally, patients have atypical signs such as flank pain, fever, hematuria, and hypertension. To treat renal cysts, currently, laparoscopic surgery to remove the tip of the retroperitoneal renal cyst is applied, bringing high treatment efficiency.
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Aspiration of renal cyst fluid under ultrasound guidance
It is necessary to aspirate the fluid in the kidney under ultrasound guidance to reduce the pressure in the kidney cyst, remove all the fluid in the kidney cyst and prevent some complications from occurring.
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How do kidney cysts form?
The kidneys play a role in maintaining the water-electrolyte balance in the body, while also excreting some toxins from the body through urine. From the renal pelvis, urine flows through the ureter to the bladder and is excreted. However, if for some reason such as inflammation, stones, fibrosis... a kidney unit is blocked, urine will stagnate and form a kidney cyst.
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Endotracheal anesthesia laparoscopic transperitoneal renal cyst surgery
Renal cysts are benign and usually have no obvious symptoms. Endotracheal anesthesia for laparoscopic renal cyst surgery helps control breathing during surgery and postoperative recovery.
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