Home Tag Intestinal microorganisms

Articles in Intestinal microorganisms

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Florastor drug: Uses, indications and notes when using
Probiotics contain different types of microorganisms such as yeast (saccharomyces boulardii) and bacteria (such as lactobacillus, bifidobacterium). Microorganisms are found naturally in the stomach/intestines/vagina. Certain conditions (such as antibiotic use, travel) can change the normal balance of bacteria/yeast. Florastor is used to improve digestion and restore normal microflora.
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Uses of Lengaza
Lengaza is the preferred drug group, indicated to supplement beneficial bacteria for the digestive tract in cases such as diarrhea, acute and chronic enteritis. So what is Lengaza drug? What disease does Lengaza treat? The following article will help you better understand the uses of Lengaza medicine.
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Role of nourishing probiotics in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease
Disturbances in the gut microbiota disrupt mucosal homeostasis and are strongly associated with human IBD and murine colitis. Therefore, preventing or correcting microbiome imbalance can be considered as a new prevention or treatment strategy for IBD.
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Targeted therapeutic strategies of gut microbiota
Many microorganisms play a role in gut health; they include bacteria, fungi, and viruses that exist in dynamic equilibrium to maintain mucosal homeostasis. Disturbances in the gut microbiota disrupt mucosal homeostasis and are strongly associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in humans and colitis in mice. Therefore, preventing or correcting microbiome imbalance can be considered as a new prevention or treatment strategy for IBD.
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How can probiotics help fight irritable bowel syndrome?
Probiotics are a hot topic these days, especially for people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic disease that causes abdominal pain and changes in bowel habits. Many people take probiotics in the hope that balancing their gut bacteria will improve their symptoms.
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New therapeutic mechanisms in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease
Bệnh viêm ruột (IBD), đã được Tổ chức Y tế Thế giới liệt kê là một trong những bệnh khó chữa nhất, bao gồm viêm loét đại tràng (UC) và bệnh Crohn (CD) và cho thấy tỷ lệ mắc liên tục tăng. Mặc dù các yếu tố di truyền, biểu sinh, miễn dịch, vi sinh vật và môi trường có liên quan đến căn nguyên của IBD, nhưng không có yếu tố nào được xác định là nguyên nhân rõ ràng và trực tiếp của IBD.
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