Home Tag Inflammation of the stomach lining

Articles in Inflammation of the stomach lining

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Is gastric mucosal congestion associated with reflux a cancer risk?
Hi doctor. I have gastroesophageal reflux disease - esophagitis, congested gastric mucosa and duodenal bulb. The doctor asked me with such diseases, I am at risk of cancer? Hope to hear from you soon. I would like to thank you.
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Autoimmune gastritis and related diseases
There is evidence to suggest the presence of autoimmune gastritis (VDD) in patients with other autoimmune diseases. Up to one-third of patients have autoimmune thyroid disease and about 6-10% of patients with type 1 diabetes have VTE. Patients with glandular autoimmune disease often have a high rate of megaloblastic anemia. Other diseases that have been recorded at the same time with VSD include albinism, Addison's disease, and myasthenia gravis.
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Pathogenesis of autoimmune gastritis
Gastritis can happen suddenly (acute gastritis) or it can happen slowly over time (chronic gastritis). In some cases, gastritis can lead to ulcers and an increased risk of stomach cancer.
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The role of blood tests and pathology in autoimmune gastritis
Autoimmune gastritis (VDDTM) is an atrophic gastritis of the gastric mucosa, mainly focusing on the body and gastric aneurysm, due to the appearance of antibodies against the parietal cells of the stomach and intrinsic factor, which can lead to destruction. stomach lining, resulting in anemia and vitamin B12 deficiency, even leading to stomach cancer. This pathology has so far received little attention and is easily missed.
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Is it okay to have stomach pain while being treated for HP bacteria?
I'm on treatment for HP, but recently I've been taking medicine and I still feel pain in my stomach. Ask the doctor if it's okay to have a stomach ache while being treated for HP bacteria?
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Esophageal papillomatosis is dangerous?
I performed an endoscopic intervention, performed a diagnostic test for H.Pylori infection with the following results: Esophageal: 25cm from CRT, there is a raised structure of 6mm in size, rough surface. Stomach: Clear fluid, congested gastric mucosa, edema, scattered superficial erosion. Conclusion: Gastric mucosal inflammation, HP positive, follow up esophageal papilloma. Recommend blood test, endoscopic papillomaectomy. So the doctor asked me if esophageal papillomatosis is dangerous? Is your disease a benign tumor? Do I need to remove the papilloma as well or can I take it slow because I'm in a stressful situation so I haven't been to the doctor yet? The doctor gave me medicine for 1 month to treat my stomach, I took it all and didn't feel any more stomach pain, but I haven't checked it yet.
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If you want to check your HP after treatment, can you use a blood test?
I have a full stomach, upset stomach after eating, quickly full and especially when I sit down, my stomach hurts, it's okay to lean or stand (first symptom) 1 month ago, I want to check HP after treatment with blood test is that Okay?
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Diagnosis of autoimmune gastritis (Part 1)
Viêm dạ dày là một thuật ngữ dùng để mô tả một nhóm các vấn đề với một điểm chung: viêm niêm mạc dạ dày. Viêm nhiễm của viêm dạ dày thường là kết quả của nhiễm trùng với cùng một vi khuẩn gây loét dạ dày. Tuy nhiên, các yếu tố khác chẳng hạn như chấn thương, thường xuyên sử dụng thuốc giảm đau nào đó hoặc uống quá nhiều rượu cũng có thể đóng góp cho viêm dạ dày.
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Diagnosis of autoimmune gastritis (Part 2)
Viêm dạ dày là một thuật ngữ dùng để mô tả một nhóm các vấn đề với một điểm chung: viêm niêm mạc dạ dày. Viêm nhiễm của viêm dạ dày thường là kết quả của nhiễm trùng với cùng một vi khuẩn gây loét dạ dày. Tuy nhiên, các yếu tố khác chẳng hạn như chấn thương, thường xuyên sử dụng thuốc giảm đau nào đó hoặc uống quá nhiều rượu cũng có thể đóng góp cho viêm dạ dày.
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