Home Tag Infectious diarrhea

Articles in Infectious diarrhea

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Uses of Sulfaguanidine
Sulfaguanidin is commonly used to treat intestinal infections such as bacillus dysentery, diarrhea, enteritis. It also helps prevent infections before and after intestinal surgery.
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What should children eat when they have persistent infectious diarrhea?
Children with long-lasting infectious diarrhea are the main concern of many parents, because infectious diarrhea not only affects the digestive system but also slows down the child's development.
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Treatment of infectious diarrhea in children
Infectious diarrhea in children, if not treated promptly, can cause severe dehydration, systemic infection, and even death. Treatment of infectious diarrhea in children requires a combination of antibiotic treatment depending on the cause, treatment of dehydration, and symptomatic treatment.
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What if I have diarrhea during pregnancy?
If the diarrhea is severe, the pregnant woman is susceptible to dehydration, affecting the health of the mother and the development of the fetus. Pregnant women need to take timely measures to protect the digestive health of the pregnant mother and the normal development of the fetus.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics