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Articles in Infections

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Crotan drug: Uses, indications and notes when using
Crotan belongs to two groups of drugs: antiparasitic and antipruritic. Crotan is often prescribed to treat some infections, itching on the skin, especially scabies.
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Unituxin: Uses, indications and precautions when using
Unituxin belongs to the group of medicines called Dinituximab. The drug is used to treat a type of cancer and is given through an intravenous infusion.
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Uses of Cefurbiotic 500
Cefurobiotic 500 has antibacterial effect with the main ingredient being cefuroxime 500mg and some other excipients. Let's learn the information in the following article to understand more about Cefurobiotic 500.
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Uses of Meropenem 1g
Meropenem is a powder for injection that belongs to the group of antiparasitic, anti-infective, antiviral and antifungal drugs. The drug is effective in the treatment of infections caused by bacteria.
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Uses of Biseko
Biseko has the effect of replacing blood volume loss, reducing blood protein and albumin, preventing infections, thinning blood. Depending on the location and severity of the disease, each person will use the appropriate dose.
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Uses of the drug Metrothabi
Metrothabi is an antibiotic used in the treatment of certain types of infections because of its ability to prevent the growth of bacteria and parasites that are harmful to health. Referring to medication information is essential to help patients get the best results during treatment.
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Uses of Langbiacin
Langbiacin medicine has the main ingredient is Kanamycin, prepared in the form of Kanamycin acid sulfate, 1000mg content, powder for injection. The drug is used to treat parasites, antibacterial, antifungal. Below is information about the uses and indications of Langbiacin.
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Uses of Zimamox
Thuốc Zimamox là thuốc kháng sinh được sử dụng để điều trị nhiễm trùng do vi khuẩn. Tuy nhiên, thuốc không có tác dụng đối với các bệnh cảm lạnh, cúm do virus. Vậy công dụng thuốc Zimamox là gì?
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Uses of Crysticillin
Thuốc Crysticillin là thuốc kháng sinh được dùng trong các trường hợp nhiễm khuẩn do các loại vi khuẩn nhạy cảm với kháng sinh Penicillin gây ra. Để hiểu rõ về thuốc Crysticillin hãy tham khảo thông tin qua bài viết dưới đây.
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How to recognize a helminth infection?
Helminth infections are one of the most common infections worldwide. The disease is transmitted by eggs contained in human feces, thereby contaminating the soil in areas with poor sanitation. The main species that cause disease in humans are roundworms, roundworms (Trichuris trichiura) and hookworms (Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale).
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Intestinal obstruction due to worms: Signs and treatment
Worms and flukes are parasites that can live in the human body, they can cause asthma, gastrointestinal diseases, in addition to causing dangerous complications such as intestinal obstruction caused by worms, worms. bile duct...and life-threatening if not treated early.
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