Home Tag Increase the height

Articles in Increase the height

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Why do children eat a lot but not gain weight or height?
Some children may eat little yet still be overweight, while others consume large amounts of food without gaining weight or height. Parents need to identify the specific reasons behind their child’s lack of weight gain to implement effective solutions.
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Baby gain height but not gain weight
During the development of children, height and weight are very important, the child's weight gain and height must be balanced. However, there are still many cases where children increase in height but do not gain weight, causing many parents to worry. Therefore, to better understand the above issue, please refer to the article below.
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Is it possible to increase your height after the age of 18?
Many people are dissatisfied with their height and are eager to find ways to improve it. Some people believe that good nutrition or special exercises can increase height in adulthood. This article will discuss whether it is possible to increase height after the age of 18.
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Can I grow taller if I am 21 years old?
I am 21 years old am I able to grow taller? Thank you very much for consulting!
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Does exercise increase height?
Nutritionists believe that height is not solely determined by genetics; it also depends on various factors such as diet, environment, exercise, etc. This article will discuss whether height can be increased after the age of 18.
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