Home Tag Incomplete miscarriage

Articles in Incomplete miscarriage

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Uses of Sunmedabon
Sunmedabon is a combination drug Mifepriston and Misoprostol. Sunmedabon is indicated for the termination of pregnancy under 22 weeks. The following article will provide you with information on how to use Sunmedabon safely and effectively.
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Causes of miscarriage due to pregnancy
According to the definition of the World Health Organization, a miscarriage is a phenomenon in which a fetus is expelled from the uterus before the 22nd week of pregnancy or when the pregnancy weight is less than 500g,
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Possible types of miscarriage
Miscarriage is a very common phenomenon, accounting for 12% of cases of women knowing they are pregnant. Clinically, miscarriage has many different forms such as threatened miscarriage, incomplete miscarriage, complete miscarriage,... Distinguishing miscarriage forms helps medical staff to have appropriate treatment and intervention. matching card.
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What is an incomplete miscarriage?
An incomplete miscarriage, also known as an incomplete miscarriage, is a miscarriage, but part of the pregnancy remains in the uterus. Vaginal examination showed bleeding according to the finger, dilated cervix, and uterine mass smaller than gestational age.
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Causes of miscarriage due to maternal factors
Miscarriage is a phenomenon that occurs in about 12% of women who know they are pregnant, most miscarriages usually occur early in the first 3 months of pregnancy. There are many causes of miscarriage, some of which are due to maternal factors.
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How do I know I have a miscarriage?
Sảy thai là rủi ro lớn nhất đối với sản phụ trong quá trình mang thai. Sảy thai không chỉ gây nên những tổn thất nặng nề về mặt tinh thần mà còn suy giảm về sức khỏe lâu dài của sản phụ.
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