Home Tag Hot stomach

Articles in Hot stomach

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Eating too full leads to hot stomach, bloating, belching, what to do?
Hi doctor. I had lunch today and I ate too much. After eating, I felt uncomfortable in my body with symptoms such as hot stomach, fatigue, flatulence, belching, and in the evening, I felt cold, tired hands and feet. I hope my doctor can advise me what to do. Thank you
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Abdominal pain, hot stomach with loose stools okay?
I have a lot of pain in my stomach and it's very hot. I often have loose stools, 2 to 3 times a day. So the doctor asked me if my stomach hurts, is hot with loose stools, is it okay?
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Stomach burning is a sign of what disease?
About 2 days ago, I felt hot stomach in the upper part, no belching, heartburn, sour belching. My stomach is also hot and a little burning at night. Doctor tell me, burning stomach is a sign of what disease?
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Burning on both sides of the abdomen through the back is a symptom of what disease?
Hello doctor, recently I have had some symptoms such as hot flashes on both sides of my abdomen, and sometimes even heat through my back. It happens often, so I'm very worried about what's wrong with me. Looking forward to getting help from your doctor.
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Hot stomach after appendicectomy 20 days okay?
Hello doctor, I have had laparoscopic appendectomy for 20 days and now I have a hot stomach. The doctor asked me if my stomach is hot after 20 days of appendicectomy? Is my wound okay? Thank you.
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