Home Tag Hepatobiliary digestion

Articles in Hepatobiliary digestion

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Side effects of anti-HIV drugs
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a type of bacteria that can cause ulcers in the lining of the stomach or the upper part of the small intestine. Currently, there are many drugs that can treat H. Does taking medication to treat HP have any side effects?
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Identify abdominal pain caused by gallstones
Gallstones are common, especially in middle-aged women who are overweight or have high blood cholesterol levels. Usually, if gallstones are small and painless, surgery is not needed. In contrast, when gallstones cause pain, emergency surgery or cholecystectomy is often indicated. So how to recognize the signs of gallstone pain for timely treatment?
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Does epigastric pain increase the risk of stomach cancer?
I have epigastric pain accompanied by symptoms of nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating, loose stools. Am I infected with HP bacteria and at risk of stomach cancer?
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Gastroduodenal inflammation
She was diagnosed with antral and duodenal inflammation and was prescribed oral medication for 3 days. After taking 2 doses of the drug, I had an uncomfortable nausea in my body, I vomited every time I ate or drank. Can I ask why?
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Fatty liver, cirrhosis F1 need to do?
Hi doctor! I went for a liver ultrasound and was diagnosed with fatty liver, F1 cirrhosis. Currently, I have not taken any medicine, my health is stable and the history of stenting is 4 years. So the doctor asked me: "Fat fatty liver, F1 cirrhosis, what should I do?" Thanks for the advice and answers!
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Is 11mm left liver cyst dangerous?
Hi doctor! Let me ask: "Is 11mm left liver cyst dangerous?" Thanks for the advice and answers!
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Having a history of hemorrhoids, having a lot of anal bleeding but no burning pain is it dangerous?
Hi doctor! My father has a long history of hemorrhoids but has not been able to go to the doctor and get treatment. Today, suddenly, his anal area was bleeding a lot, but it was not painful, so I was very worried. So the doctor asked me if I have a history of hemorrhoids, have a lot of anal bleeding but no burning pain, is it dangerous? Ask your doctor for advice and answers! Thank you sincerely!
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How to recognize signs of liver disease for early treatment?
The human liver is a miraculous organ. Every day, the liver's role is to make bile, metabolize nutrients from the diet, clean toxins from the blood, break down fats, control blood sugar and hormone levels, store iron and more. Therefore, when liver disease is present, the patient will have systemic symptoms very early and need to be detected and treated early to maintain complete liver function in the long run.
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What complications can chronic constipation lead to?
Constipation is a common phenomenon at all ages, if constipation persists, the condition worsens without treatment, it will easily lead to hemorrhoids or dangerous diseases related to the digestive tract.
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What to note when cooling the liver in hot and uncomfortable weather?
Hot weather causes the human body to produce a lot of heat, the skin is prone to acne, dryness, cracking, darkening, melasma... leading to loss of confidence. These factors are suggestive of liver heat. So when cooling the liver in hot weather, what should we pay attention to?
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How is eosinophilic gastroenteritis formed?
Eosinophilic gastroenteritis is an eosinophilic infiltrate in the stomach, small intestine, colon, and rectum causing clinical symptoms. Knowing the process of formation and signs of the disease will help improve the effectiveness of treatment.
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