Home Tag Hepatitis virus

Articles in Hepatitis virus

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Uses of Savi Tenofovir 300
Savi Tenofovir 300 belongs to the group of drugs used to treat parasites, infections, viruses and fungi. Complying with the indications, the dose of Savi Tenofovir 300 will help patients improve treatment efficiency and avoid unwanted side effects.
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Learn about hepatitis B virus clearance rate
Hepatitis B is a form of hepatitis caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV), which is transmitted through blood and genital tract. Hepatitis B affects nearly one-third of the world's population, especially in developing countries. However, among them, there are people who are infected with the B virus and can clear it on their own.
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What puts you at risk for hepatitis?
Hepatitis is an infectious disease with an increasing incidence, especially in developing countries. If not treated promptly, hepatitis can cause serious complications such as cirrhosis, liver cancer, even life-threatening.
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All you need to know about viral hepatitis
Viral hepatitis is a common disease today. The disease is becoming more and more serious. With timely and appropriate treatment, patients with hepatitis will avoid dangerous complications.
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Is hepatitis A transmitted through blood?
Hepatitis A is one of the liver diseases that can be transmitted in many different ways. An estimated 1.5 million people worldwide are infected with hepatitis A each year, mostly in Asia and Africa, especially in areas where sanitation is not guaranteed, creating conditions for the virus to easily spread. widespread.
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Is there a risk of getting hepatitis A, C, D and E with hepatitis B?
Hi doctor! The doctor asked me if I have hepatitis B, am I at risk of getting hepatitis A, C, D and E? Looking forward to consulting your doctor help me. I would like to thank the doctor.
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7 most basic questions about hepatitis B answered by the World Health Organization
Hepatitis B is one of the dangerous diseases and is considered a "silent killer" because the symptoms are not clear but it leaves many consequences for the patient. The following articles are frequently asked questions by patients about hepatitis B that the World Health Organization (WHO) has answered. Properly understand this disease to have the right prevention and prevention methods.
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Liver problems you need to know
The liver plays a very important role in the metabolism of several other functions of the body. Several factors such as infections, problems with the immune system, and genetic factors can affect liver function.
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Is hepatitis B transmitted through saliva and sex?
Hello doctor! I hope the doctor can help me. Below are the test results I received. Alt :14 Ast: 15 Hbv: 2.18x10^2 Doctor let me ask, with this rate, is it easy to infect through saliva as well as sex?
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Can high liver enzymes be infected with a virus?
Hi doctor! I have elevated liver enzymes, I want to ask the doctor, is there a virus with high liver enzymes?
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Acute hepatitis and adenovirus infection in children
Hiện nay nhiều quốc gia trên thế giới đang phải đối mặt với sự gia tăng bệnh viêm gan cấp tính mức độ nặng ở trẻ em chưa xác định nguyên nhân. Mặc dù Việt Nam chưa xuất hiện ca bệnh nào, tuy nhiên với sự phức tạp của bệnh việc cha mẹ chủ động cập nhật kiến thức giúp cho quá trình phòng ngừa tốt hơn.
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