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Articles in Hemorrhoids

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What are the uses of Titanoreine?
Titanoreine is a topical cream that helps relieve symptoms of hemorrhoids such as swelling, pain, and burning. So how to use Titanoreine, what to keep in mind when using it?
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Hemorrhoids: When to have surgery?
Hemorrhoids are quite common disease, most of the cases of disease treatment are quite late due to the patient's fear and subjective psychology. Surgery is one of the leading, long-term effective hemorrhoid treatments. So when does a patient need surgery to treat hemorrhoids?
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Treatment prognosis and risk of recurrence after hemorrhoid treatment
The nature of hemorrhoids are vascular plexuses in the anal canal, causing blood to not circulate, stagnation forming hemorrhoids. Depending on the type of hemorrhoids, the extent and health of the patient, the doctor will predict the treatment
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What is a hemorrhoid examination?
Hemorrhoids are a fairly common disease due to the nature of people's work as well as daily life, which is the main cause of the disease. In which, the most common components are office workers and the elderly.
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Longo surgery: The choice for patients with hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are excessive dilation of the hemorrhoidal plexus in the anal region, causing inflammation or bleeding. Hemorrhoids often occur in people with increased abdominal pressure such as having to stand a lot, constipation due to bad eating habits (eating less fiber, vegetables, less water); pregnant women; With age, the muscles in the anal area are more susceptible to degeneration and spasm, especially in people between the ages of 30 and 60 due to genetics.
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Quiz: How much do you know about hemorrhoids?
The rectum is the last part of the alimentary canal, including the rectal ball where stool is stored and the anal canal that carries stool out. Under the mucosal layer of the anal canal are the hemorrhoidal vein plexuses. When these venous plexuses swell, they push the lining of the anal canal, causing hemorrhoids.
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How are women treated for hemorrhoids?
I have hemorrhoids and normally hemorrhoids do not protrude, no pain, but after defecation, the hemorrhoids protrude out of the anus and are painful, but overnight, the hemorrhoids recede on their own. So the doctor told me how to treat women with hemorrhoids? Do you have level 3 hemorrhoids?
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People with external hemorrhoids with small tumors in the anal area should do what?
I have external hemorrhoids for 20 years but still normal, for a week now I have developed a hard, painless pea-sized lump. Please tell me what should I do if I have external hemorrhoids with small lumps in the anal area? Thank you doctor.
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Is it okay to have a lump of meat after cutting longo hemorrhoids?
I finished cutting longo hemorrhoids, when removing the bandage, I saw a lump of flesh with the tip of my index finger right near the anal opening. It has been 7 weeks now and the meat is still the same. Passing small stools with a zigzag little finger, the meat is only in the same place, not sticking out.
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Summary of things you need to know about internal hemorrhoids
Bệnh trĩ nội là một trong 3 loại trĩ khó phát hiện nhất là trĩ ngoại, trĩ nội và trĩ hỗn hợp, đồng thời bệnh trĩ nội thường gây khó khăn hơn trong việc điều trị.
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Hemorrhoids are very common in pregnant women in the last 3 months
Bệnh trĩ ở bà bầu là tình trạng thường gặp phải, đặc biệt là giai đoạn mang thai 3 tháng cuối. Bị trĩ khi mang thai khiến nhiều mẹ bầu cảm thấy khó chịu, dễ bị stress, ảnh hưởng đến tâm lý và thể chất.
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