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Articles in Hemorrhoids

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Hemorrhoids in children and treatment
Hemorrhoids in children can be caused by prolonged sitting on hard surfaces, straining during bowel movements, an imbalanced diet, bowel inflammation, lack of physical activity, or genetic factors inherited from the parents.
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Overcoming hemorrhoids postpartum
Hemorrhoids occur when the veins inside the rectum or around the anus become swollen. The cause is due to increased pressure on the rectal area. During pregnancy, the growing fetus increases pressure on this area. Therefore, hemorrhoids can develop both during and after pregnancy, especially common after vaginal delivery. So, what should you do if you develop hemorrhoids after giving birth?
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Can pregnant women with hemorrhoids give birth normally?
Hemorrhoids are caused by excessive dilation of the hemorrhoidal venous plexus in the tissue around the anus and rectum. Normally, these tissues help control the passage of stool. When these tissues become inflamed and swollen, they are called hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are caused by excessive dilation of the hemorrhoidal venous plexus in the tissue around the anus and rectum. Normally, these tissues help control the passage of stool. When these tissues become inflamed and swollen, they are called hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are caused by excessive dilation of the hemorrhoidal venous plexus in the tissue around the anus and rectum. Normally, these tissues help control the passage of stool. When these tissues become inflamed and swollen, they are called hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids in pregnant women account for a high rate and cause several discomforts, affecting pregnant women
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Is Anal Sex Safe for Individuals with Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are a common condition that causes swelling and discomfort in the rectal and anal areas. Many people wonder: Is it possible to engage in anal sex if you have hemorrhoids? According to experts, while it is technically possible, there are some key considerations to weigh before making a decision.
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Causes of swollen anus
There are many medical conditions that can cause anal pain, which is discomfort, and can reduce the quality of life. To treat this symptom, it is necessary to know its cause.
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Pay attention when having pimples in the anus
Like other parts of the body, you can have pimples in the anus in the form of papules, pustules or nodules... Pimples in the anus are usually not painful but are irritated when going to the toilet. If the injury penetrates deeper, it will form cysts, nodules and have a high risk of leaving scars.
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Daflon 500mg: Uses, Dosage, and Side Effects
Depending on the severity and condition of the disease, hemorrhoids can be treated conservatively or surgically. Hemorrhoid management will include a combination of dietary changes, increased water intake, lifestyle modifications, and the use of some common hemorrhoid medications.
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