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Articles in heart surgery

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Advantages and disadvantages of minimally invasive cardiac surgery (MICS)
Minimally invasive open-heart surgery is an inevitable trend of medicine in the world as well as in Vietnam because of the outstanding advantages that this method brings in cardiovascular surgery.
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Monitoring and treatment of complications after heart surgery
After every heart surgery, there is a risk of complications. These complications are specific to procedures performed during surgery. The monitoring and treatment of complications after heart surgery is very necessary and important to ensure the patient's recovery process after heart surgery.
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Some principles in the treatment of congenital heart disease
Congenital heart disease is an anatomical defect in the heart and circulatory system that develops during fetal life. Accordingly, in order for a child to live at birth, the body must have appropriate physiological responses. Therefore, the intervention to treat congenital heart disease needs to adhere to certain principles, suitable for physiological and hemodynamic functions, in order to create conditions for children to develop like children of the same age.
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Notes in patient care after heart surgery
In order to restore cardiac function, optimize systemic perfusion, and detect acute complications early, patients after cardiac surgery need special care and follow basic principles to achieve treatment results. the best.
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Safe sex in cardiovascular patients
In healthy people, moderate sexual activity is not only mentally satisfying but also good for the cardiovascular system, contributing to energy expenditure and reducing obesity. However, for people with cardiovascular disease, sexual behavior is something that needs to be paid attention to to avoid the risk of complications.
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Sexual activity after heart surgery
Heart valve surgery is a surgical treatment that helps move from a severe or potentially unstable medical condition to a more stable one. Once the valve has been repaired or replaced, it does not mean that the heart disease has completely disappeared, so the patient still needs to continue to monitor and have a reasonable lifestyle after surgery. Special attention should be paid to the issue of sex so as not to affect cardiovascular health.
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Chest pain after laparoscopic surgery is it dangerous?
Hello doctor! After I had laparoscopic heart surgery, sometimes my chest still hurt. So why not? I hope you can give me some advice, thanks!
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The role of echocardiography in cardiac surgery
Heart surgery is one of the effective treatments for heart disease. In cardiac surgery, echocardiography plays an extremely important role, affecting surgical indications, surgical techniques, postoperative evaluation, and recovery monitoring.
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Cardiovascular rehabilitation for patients with heart failure
Patients with heart failure always face great risks due to complications that the disease causes. Patients need intensive treatment to improve their cardiovascular health. Cardiovascular rehabilitation for heart failure patients not only improves heart strength, strength, and physical endurance, but also shortens hospital stay for patients.
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Electrocardiogram bpm: How to understand?
The bpm in the electrocardiogram stands for "beats per minute", which means the number of heartbeats per minute. In cases of arrhythmia, bpm is the average value, different from the actual value at each time of the patient.
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Meaning of physiological electrocardiogram
Physiological electrocardiography is a technique that is often referred to in medicine. However, not everyone understands this technique. The following article will provide the reader with the basic information of this method as well as the meaning of the physiological electrocardiogram.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics