Home Tag Heart failure surgery

Articles in Heart failure surgery

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Notes in the treatment of heart failure with surgery
There are many methods of treating heart failure such as using drugs, resynchronizing the heart, implanting a pacemaker - defibrillation, cardiac catheterization. However, if the above methods are not effective, surgical intervention is required.
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Heart failure surgery
Today there are many advances in the treatment of heart failure. Controlling adherence to medication regimens and lifestyle, incorporating close monitoring are the first steps. As heart failure progresses, heart failure specialists can offer even more optimal treatment options, such as heart failure surgery.
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Can heart failure be treated with surgery?
I have tricuspid regurgitation and stenosis. During this epidemic, I couldn't go to the doctor and had to use the old prescription to buy medicine at the store to take. After 2 months, my health got worse before the epidemic, I was diagnosed with early heart failure by the doctor, if I have heart failure now, can it be treated with surgery?
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics