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Articles in Heart failure examination package

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Using a ventricular assist device to treat stage 3 heart failure: What you need to know
In the treatment of stage 3 heart failure, in addition to medication and lifestyle adjustments, doctors also consider the direction of using a left ventricular assist device. One of them is a ventricular assist device, which is often indicated in patients with severe or end-stage heart failure.
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How is acute heart failure diagnosed?
Acute heart failure is a rapid onset or worsening of the symptoms and signs of pre-existing heart failure, which can be life-threatening. Patients should be diagnosed with acute heart failure as soon as they are admitted to the hospital and treated immediately.
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Diastolic heart failure: What you need to know
The mechanism of diastolic heart failure is when the ventricles are not able to receive blood, accompanied by preserved EF ejection fraction. The cause of diastolic heart failure is either dysfunction of the heart or physical damage.
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Using a defibrillator to treat heart failure stage 3: What you need to know
In the treatment of stage 3 heart failure, besides medication and lifestyle adjustments, doctors will consider the direction of using assistive devices. One of them is an implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD).
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Stages of heart failure
Knowledge of the stages of heart failure will help you understand that heart failure is a progressive process that can worsen over time, understand your medication schedule and why lifestyle changes and Other treatment is needed.
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Grade 1 heart failure is no longer dangerous if detected early and treated promptly
Grade 1 heart failure is the mildest of the four grades of heart failure. However, if the patient is subjective in treatment, it will make the disease worse quickly. Early detection and lifestyle changes to prevent disease progression help people with grade 1 heart failure recover quickly, limiting the disease to more severe levels.
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Typical signs of heart failure grade 2
Most patients with heart failure do not realize their disease, because typical signs of heart failure stage 2 appear only when the patient is exerted and quickly disappear when resting. However, if you miss the opportunity to treat the disease at this stage, grade 2 heart failure can progress more seriously and cause many dangerous complications.
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Warn the 2 earliest signs of heart failure
Heart failure is a medical condition in which the heart muscle is unable to supply blood according to the body's needs. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 5 million people are newly diagnosed with heart failure each year worldwide.
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Treatment and care of patients with heart failure grade 3
Treatment of heart failure grade 3 is a long journey that requires the patient to adhere to it for life. How long to live with grade 3 heart failure depends a lot on the mental health of the patient. Patients need to stay optimistic and comfortable to be able to improve and treat the disease.
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Vanity: What you need to know
Tâm phế mạn là tình trạng các bệnh lý ở phổi dẫn tới suy tim phải thứ phát, tỷ lệ mắc bệnh tăng lên ở những nước có nhiều người hút thuốc lá, môi trường ô nhiễm vì đây là nguy cơ gây bệnh mạn tính ở phổi. Bệnh tâm phế mạn nếu được theo dõi và điều trị đúng cách thì tiên lượng tốt, bệnh tiến triển chậm hơn.
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If you have these 4 symptoms, you may have heart failure
On average, a person's life is about 80 years, the heart must beat more than 3 billion times. Working continuously without stopping like that, heart failure is inevitable. So what are the symptoms of heart failure, how to recognize it for timely treatment?
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics